Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Impact

My cousin had visited the beach very recently and wanted to get something nice for the troublesome little monster at home(my nephew). The result - a little hockey stick and a ball wrapped in a nice cover. My nephew was delighted to see this one in the morning and like all new toys getting a warm welcome at first, this hockey stick became his favourite in a day's time. He carried this stick with him everywhere, when he brushed, when be bathed, when he ate and when he got ready for the school. But he never played with it! It is always nice to observe his activities. I asked him - "Dear, when are you going to play with this, you have been carrying this everywhere? " He replied, - "Chitti, we need to dig a hole in our garden so that we can play and Im just waiting for it"

The impact of TV. Theres more of golf now than hockey.


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