Saturday, September 13, 2008

The cute little Monster

The cute little monster - the best way my nephew is known as…. Like all little ones who are at their best in making others run around them till they drop, he is no exception.

He is 4 years old and sometimes he claims that he needs to be addressed as “anna” (Meaning “Brother” in tamil). His view point is hes been promoted to UKG and there are a lot of little ones in LKG much younger to him, who still cry at school. He likes to button his shirt by himself and takes pride in saying that he can do complex things (wear the right shoe on the right leg, carry a small bucket of water to the garden for granny to water the plants, switch off the alarm in my mobile, play Active games in Tatasky, get all points in mario etc… ) on his own. He reminds us often that he is now able to reach the tap at the sink (meaning now a bit taller!), and take his brush from the stand without anybody’s help. He warns my brother not to get too close to the pits on the road and provides some unwanted advice at times! He can relate that my manager at office is somebody like his teacher at school.

With all his “Anna” kinda image, he never forgets to frown at my dad if anytime he came to know that hes been away a little while to his friend’s place, leaving the little monster at school. On one such day, when my dad had been to one of his friend’s daughter’s reception, he left the little one at home. He told my nephew that he will be back after sometime as he had to meet somebody at the police station (The only place my nephew is scared of!). We knew that he will be back only at 10 or so in the night. My nephew kept playing for a while. When it was time for dinner, he refused to eat or sleep. He kept waiting till 8 and dozzed off without eating.

When my dad returned, he observed my nephew sleeping with his arms around his strawberry cushion. My dad stroked his hair gently. The little monster woke up immediately and started crying loudly. He never gave any reason for crying, he did not let anybody (including my dad) to come near him. Everybody in the house tried something or the other to calm him. My sis came with a box of chocolates, but got a few pinches from him :) , my bro promised to take him to the beach the next day, my dad got his favourite toys to him, yet nothing worked. He literally pushed anybody who came near him! Any action to calm him would only provoke his anger further! (Are you asking me what I did ? I knew I was very bad at this and was only a silent spectator). Then suddenly my dad hugged him a bit tight to his chest and kissed him on the forehead. The little one immediately stopped crying, hugged my dad and slept like a cute little kitten.

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